Huskies Showing Some Consistent Effort, News, 05 MD Minor Atom Red(9), BB - B, 2014-2015, BB/B (Hamilton Huskies)


This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 22, 2014 | rwojtow | 491 views
Huskies Showing Some Consistent Effort
The Huskies have played some disciplined hockey over the last two games.  Granted, their opponents were somewhat lower in the league standings, however the team is starting to do some of the things that the coaches have been looking for.  

Good play at both ends of the ice indicate that the team is starting to develop a rhythm between themselves.  Taking the time to look around and make that good stretch pass, angling their opponent away from the net, hard back checking, keeping the puck inside the opposing zone and getting quality shots on the net are all things that we have been working on and the players are starting to get.  And the players are beginning to realize that those are the type of things that will make them successful and are all a part of the team game.   They are also starting to understand that the puck can travel faster than they can, and if they move it around, there will be opportunities and many more scoring chances than if they try to do it all by themselves.

Good work boys, keep up the solid effort.
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