Mar 22, 2015 | colbruck | 1803 views
Tryouts Pre Registration
ALL PLAYERS planning to attend the Hamilton Huskies AAA / AA / MD tryouts are required to pre-register using the on line forms found in the "Team Administration Forms" Library or click 2015-16 AAA/AA Tryout Pre-Registration Form
ALL PLAYERS planning to attend the Hamilton Huskies AAA / AA / MD tryouts are required to pre-register using the on line forms found in the "Team Administration Forms" Library or click 2015-16 AAA/AA Tryout Pre-Registration Form 2015-16 MD Tryout Pre-Registration FormTryout fees must be submitted when checking in for the first tryout you attend.All players must check in at the appropriate registration table for all Tryouts that they attend to be added to the coach's Evaluation List and receive a numbered pinnie where used.The AAA/AA form will close at 11:00 PM on Monday April 13th, 2015.To confirm your City of Hamilton Ward # you can visit this web site and enter your address.City of Hamilton Ward Boundaries - GoogleEnlarge the map and click within the boundaries of the Ward where your balloon appears and a pop up will confirm your Ward #.Residents of Wards 1-8 do not require an F1 AAA Waiver to attend Hamilton Huskies AAA tryouts. Anyone who resides outside of Wards 1-8 do require an F1 AAA Waiver to attend Hamilton Huskies AAA tryouts. Those requiring a AAA Waiver to attend AAA tryouts are not eligible to attend AA or MD tryouts.