11 MD White Win Gold At MD Championships In London, News, 11 MD Minor Peewee White, BB - B, 2018-2019, BB/B (Hamilton Huskies)


This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 17, 2019 | Web Admin | 1009 views
11 MD White Win Gold At MD Championships In London
Gold, Gold, Gold! 
Congratulations are in tall order to the Huskies 11 MD Minor Peewee White on a fantastic Alliance Tier 1 2018 - 19 Championship series and an unbelievable season.

The boys finished the year with 54 wins, 24 shutouts, 3 tournament Golds and Silver in 2 others. 

They won the Tier 1 East/Central Alliance Championship and capped off the season with the Alliance MD Gold. Special thanks to all the parents and families that supported this team throughout the season. 

We have had special circumstances to deal with this season and as a team the boys and families rallied together for each other. 

Truly a special group of boys and congratulations!
