Tryout Notifications for Second Tryout Game, News, 16/17 AAA Major Midget, AAA, 2015-2016, AAA (Hamilton Huskies)


This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 06, 2015 | drawson | 1118 views
Tryout Notifications for Second Tryout Game
The Second Tryout Slot will be an Exhibition Game vs the Cambridge Hawks in Cambridge at the Galt Arena. Game time is 8:30 - 10 pm on Wednesday, September 10th.

After the FIRST Tryout, the names of the players that are to return will be posted here on the Web Site. The Notification will state who is being selected to return and if you are dressing for the Exhibition Game.

The Lists will be Posted LATE on Tuesday night or Early Wednesday morning.

Good Luck