Kawartha Lakes AA Tournament Champions - Peterborough, Accomplishments, 01 AA/A Minor Bantam(13), AA - A, 2014-2015, AA/A (Hamilton Huskies)


This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Kawartha Lakes AA Tournament Champions - Peterborough
Fish On! 01 AA Huskies Parents and Players Bond!
The coaches had a scripted weekend:  Fishing, Balloon Toss,  Potluck Dinner and then hockey.  The ultimate goal was to come out as a team both  parents and players.  The ending couldn't get any better with some nice fish, some good food and conversation, and a shootout victory in the Championship!!  Way to go Huskies!!   Don't forget:This Is The Life!!!!


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