UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN, News, 03 AAA Minor Atom(9), AAA, 2012-2013 (Hamilton Huskies)


This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 08, 2013 | Tina Georges | 1947 views
This season’s journey has been an eventful one, a rewarding one, and for many, a first glance at AAA hockey. This team has had the courage to start, the endurance to continue, and the resolve to finish thanks to their efforts on and off the ice.

Every 9AAA Husky was chosen at tryouts for their potential as individuals as well as teammates.  We all joined this team last April committed together as families to providing a positive and memorable experience for our boys, to watching them have fun, develop, and be competitive.  How would our boys do?  What would it mean to be a Husky?  Nobody knew.  We took a chance, a leap of faith, and embarked on a journey that at season’s end, one can catch a quick glance in the rear-view mirror, or lend an ear to the backseat conversations on those long journeys, to understand that the boys’ enjoyment of the game and of each other was never in doubt.

We have all arrived at the wrong arena, forgotten a piece of equipment, and shuffled family schedules more than once.  We have witnessed nail-biting games, outstanding plays, first goals, shutouts, wins, losses, and the whole shebang.  Most rewarding though, is that each time and without fail, our boys persevered, equipped from head to toe without limitations, and one by one each became Hamilton Husky at heart.

Hockey at its core is a spirited and passionate game.  This season’s 9AAAs were surrounded by a coaching staff that cared for their wellbeing, their success, their progress, and who put in a tremendous number of volunteer hours.  But none of this would be possible without the time commitment, emotional support and financial investment of our unique group of families.  All together, we joined forces on an almost daily basis in the arena of hockey, the arena of sportsmanship, and the arena of team play to build memories to last a lifetime.  It is here where the efforts of some talented young hockey players have produced an exceptional Hamilton Huskies team, where the purest feeling of success can be defined by 9-year olds who, balanced with great friendships and collaborative competitiveness, gather together in cheer regardless of the outcome of a game, proving that in each of them resides a winning attitude.


Winning: [win-ing] adjective - Definition: successful or victorious.

Winning is a mindset, not a result. It is not purely measured by goals scored, assists made, or triumphs over your opposition. A victory is the ability to say you’ve tried your hardest; that you’ve done so with dignity, pride and humility; that you’ve enjoyed doing it; and that you would do it all over again in a heartbeat no matter the challenges or circumstances.

Our greatest victory comes as we say our farewells with assurance that we will meet again, whether as friends, line mates, fans or competitive adversaries.

Until then, Go Huskies, Go!!   But in the meantime, THANK YOU to our coaches – Dave, Shawn, Kyle and Dave; THANK YOU to Marc and Josh for helping out during practices; THANK YOU to Deanna for running dry land; THANK YOU to Trish for her help and AAA experience; THANK YOU to the organization for its support – scheduling, ice times, officials, and support for the team; THANK YOU to all our generous sponsors and fundraisers, including the Charity of Hope; THANK YOU to all our parents for the countless hours spent in rinks and in vehicles driving across the Alliance miles; THANK YOU to the many volunteers at our host tournament, and to the penalty box gang, especially the young recruits; THANK YOU to the refreshments provided after games, especially the Powerade from Dan; THANK YOU for all the help tying skates, car-pooling, and on-the-go meals...  There is so much to be THANKFUL for, and yet much is easily forgotten, but most of all THANK YOU for this great opportunity to be part of the 9AAA HUSKIES family on and off the ice – for we are champions in the making!

See you all at the party tomorrow, and thank you all for your support this past season!



Play With Passion
