Aug 18, 2023 | Web Admin | 543 views
Coach 1 & Coach 2 Clinic Delivery Changes To Online On Demand
ALLIANCE Hockey has been working to build the Coach 1 & Coach 2 courses to be delivered and completed Online On-Demand. We will no longer be running these clinics face to face and all clinic material will be delivered from a recording via online. With no on-ice portion to the clinic we strongly encourage that MHA’s utilize their Coach Mentor/ Coach Development personnel to continue the education with coaches throughout the season.
The clinics are set to go live August 17th, 2023 at 4:00PM.
Coaches will not be able to register until the pre-requisite modules are completed first.
Coach 1 – Intro to Coach Clinic requirements
1. HU-Online Coach 1/2 – This is a Pre-requisite course and is required to be completed before you start the on-demand in class portion.
2. Coach 1 - Intro to Coach Course – This course is on a third-party website; coaches will be required to create an account and access the content. The URL will be in the coaches Email confirmation. Once the coach completes both modules, it will take 48-72 hours for the HCR profile to be updated as it is not synced with the HCR.
Coach 2 – Coach Level Clinic requirements
1. HU-Online Coach 1/2
2. HU-Online Checking
*Both online modules are pre-requisites courses and are required to be complete before you start the on-demand in class portion.
3. Coach 2 – Coach Level Course – This course is on a third-party website; coaches will be required to create an account and access the content. The URL will be in the coaches Email confirmation. Once the coach completes both modules, it will take 48-72 hours for the HCR profile to be updated as it is not synced with the HCR.
Please be patient with us as we work through some minor issues along the way. This is our first time doing it, as we are trying to make the course more accessible to our Volunteer coaches.