Pro (PEP) is a progressive training system with unique skating patterns that produce results in a variety of superior skills such as speed, acceleration, balance, agility and quickness. PEP allows players to work on developing skills that you CAN”T get from traditional trainings with pylons. Skating through some of the elite PEP circuits demand evasive skating techniques with powerful edge control, upper body control and precision puck control.
Key Points that PEP Focuses on:
- Stick handling and puck movement in confined areas
- Edge Control
- Upper body co-ordination
- Constant quick feet action
- Read and react skills
- Change of direction
- Creativity
- Game situation and intensity in training
- Speed Training
This program will be introduced to the younger ages this season due to ice time constraints however the equipment and video support will be at Chedoke for all teams to take advantage of at any of their practices.
These ice times will appear on team schedules as "PEP Skills Session" and all team coaches are expected to be on the ice with their teams. Goaltenders are required for all scheduled sessions.
To learn more about Power Edge Pro please visit their web site by clicking on the link below.
Power Edge Pro
It is recommended that all coaches get out and watch the sessions on Wednesday evenings, Chedoke Blue, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.