Oct 22, 2013 | G. McFarlane | 4559 views
Tony Martindale, Executive Director of ALLIANCE Hockey visited Eastwood Park Monday night in support of the Skate The Dream Program.
"If there was ever a program that we need to solicit volunteers for, without a doubt this is it! Grassroots that brings you back to where we all started. Lots of smiles to go around by both the kids and parents”.
What Is Skate The Dream? Skate the Dream gives youth in our community access to the resources they need to learn the fundamentals of hockey.
Mike Bottosso a former Rep (Huskies) and Hub player leads the program which is connected to the Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club.
Tony continues "The City has done a terrific job acquiring equipment and setting up Eastwood Arena to accommodate this type of programming. Last night there were approximately 30 kids that attended, 20+ needed equipment and help getting outfitted.The real need moving forward is on-ice helpers".
If you have a night or two a month or a night per week free give this rewarding experience some thought.
For more details please look over the Skate the Dream Brochure inserted below or contact
Mike Bottosso 905-549-2814
Click link to view or download
Skate the Dream Brochure.pdf