Apr 21, 2022 | Web Admin | 1230 views
OHF & ALLIANCE Hockey Vaccination Policy for 2022-23 Season
The Ontario Hockey Federation’s Board of Directors have made the decision to remove the OHF COVID-19 Vaccination Policy (approved October 12, 2021) for the 2022-2023 hockey season. The OHF would like to emphasize that all programs, regardless of level, are ultimately required to adhere to all public health, municipal and facility policies, and directives, if more restrictive than the current provincial guideline.
Hockey operates within the larger community and as such restrictions may be imposed by various entities (ex. government, public health unit(s), facilities, municipalities, etc.) or the OHF itself.
Regardless of this decision, it is still strongly encouraged to consider getting vaccinated.
Finally, it should also be noted that the OHF continues to have a zero tolerance policy for any form of harassment or bullying as it relates to the personal choice of an individual.
Note: The OHF COVID-19 Vaccination Policy (approved October 12, 2021) will
remain in effect for the duration of the 2021-22 hockey season.
For additional information please refer to the
22-07 vaccination mandate for remainder of 2021-22 season.
The 2022-23 season begins with the start of spring evaluations and spring
non-traditional programming.
OHF COVID-19 Vaccine Policy for 2022-23 Season.
ALLIANCE Hockey COVID-19 Vaccine Policy for 2022-23 Season.