In similar fashion to how 2020 - 2021 season began it now comes to an end.
Please click read more to view announcement from Hamilton Huskies GM Mike Spadafora.
Good day Huskies Families,
I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!
Firstly I just wanted to say how extremely proud we are of our players and coaches on how they navigated through such a difficult season. Obviously not the sort of year anyone could have planned for nor anticipated but I can say you all did an excellent job!
As most of you are aware the City of Hamilton will be entering the Grey Zone tomorrow, this means all arenas will close and we are unable to run our programming. In saying that, the Hamilton Huskies Hockey Club have made the difficult decision to conclude the 2020/21 season. This will come into effect Monday March 29 2021.
As for next steps entering the 2021/22 season we do not have a great deal of information at this time besides tryouts are to begin after labour day. In saying that we will be at the mercy of Public health and the governing hockey bodies.
Lastly, a big thank you to our Hockey Operations group and our Administration team. Without these individuals we would not have been able to get our players back on the ice as quickly as we did in Sept and safely from start to finish!
In closing keep an eye on our social media and website for upcoming announcements regarding:
AA and MD Coach Announcements
Summer Programing
Development Updates
Coach Highlights
Updates from OHF and Alliance Hockey on 2021/22 season.
On behalf of our entire organization we wish everyone a safe and enjoyable spring and summer! We are looking forward and hoping for a close to normal hockey season in September.
Yours in Hockey,
Mike Spadafora
Director of Hockey Operations & GM
Hamilton Huskies Hockey Club